The Norm Classics by Michael Jantze for September 21, 2019

  1. Cropped narragansett indian logo
    The Pro from Dover  over 5 years ago

    It was called: “I don’t understand that crap you kids listen to!”

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  2. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 5 years ago


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    theincrediblebulk  over 5 years ago

    when it was written it was popular music or in todays vernacular “pop music”Or possibly they used more exact names in those days and would have called it “opera” or “concerto” or “symphony”, etc. depending on its actual musical genre or the type or number of instruments playing it.

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  4. Comics 2022
    Milady Meg  over 5 years ago

    I guess. I mean, “oldies” were always oldies, right?

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  5. Wally
    LightWarriorK  over 5 years ago

    “Heresy against the Church.”

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  6. Thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  over 5 years ago

    It was called “What are the musicians playing next?”

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  7. 06 us2c ue24
    Sailor46 USN 65-95  over 5 years ago

    New Music

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  8. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  over 5 years ago

    Pop[ular] music.

    the popular songs I listened to as a kid, are now often played on the classic stations. argh

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