I have had jury duty only once, but it was a surprisingly interesting experience! The judge explained each step of the process and the hows and whys as we went along. I ended up not being selected, but I came away with a better understanding of how trials work.
SHAKEDOWNVILLE over 5 years ago
Too bad you do not have a “corker” of an exemption.
Ida No over 5 years ago
Did you know they have wine and beer there by the case load?
katina.cooper over 5 years ago
And will you be the only hold-out on the jury and then prove that the defendant was innocent after all?
Neo Stryder over 5 years ago
Wait, there you can be elected to be jury in a court?
Teto85 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Have fun. Pack a book to read while waiting for the selection process to finish. Good luck.
Plods with ...™ over 5 years ago
Plenty to doodle there.
I’ve been waiting for my notice to come in the mail. No luck. Shucks
TrixieinDixie Premium Member over 5 years ago
I have had jury duty only once, but it was a surprisingly interesting experience! The judge explained each step of the process and the hows and whys as we went along. I ended up not being selected, but I came away with a better understanding of how trials work.