Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for February 17, 2011

  1. Comic face
    comicgos  almost 14 years ago

    Where is the toe tag?

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  2. Dscn1232
    palos  almost 14 years ago

    Based on the depth of the file cabinet, that must be Shorty.

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  3. Redfoxava
    reynard61  almost 14 years ago

    Shorty doesn’t seem to mind anymore – if he ever cared in the first place, that is…

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  4. Calf
    waynl  almost 14 years ago

    I see Shorty’s got the worst (or best, depending on the work environment) dead-end job in this company.

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  5. Ngc891 rs 580x527
    alan.gurka  almost 14 years ago

    Well, at least Shorty’s got a corner cube like he’s always wanted.

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  6. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 14 years ago

    Crap! I’m going to have to find somewhere else to sneak a nap.

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  7. 11 06 126
    Varnes  almost 14 years ago

    Hey, Dick’s Picks numbers 20 through 50 should be in that drawer!

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  8. Missing large
    BloomCo  almost 14 years ago

    Heard a news story on the radio this morning. A woman died at her desk on Friday and wasn’t discovered until the next day.

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  9. Sour grapes
    odeliasimone  almost 14 years ago

    Well BloomCo, at least they came to work on a Saturday to find her.

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  10. Missing large
    hitman4cookies  almost 14 years ago

    Don’t worry FishStix; Wally is far to sly to be caught like that. Anyhow the pointy haired manager is to incompetent to pull it off.

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  11. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  almost 14 years ago

    For sure it is an employers market. With unemployment still about 9% employers just say, “If you don’t take this pay cut (etc.) someone is waiting on your job.”

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  12. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  almost 14 years ago

    There’s a line around the block of mediocre replacements.

    If you have spent a decade honing and improving your skills, you aren’t in that line, you’re keeping busy doing what you do best.

    If you haven’t – get busy!

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  13. Missing large
    WaitingMan  almost 14 years ago

    Justice22: This just happened to my nephew. He had been working for a company for ten years. (I won’t mention their name but their initials are CVS). He was called into the office a few months ago, and was told he could take a 30%(!) pay cut or he would be laid off. Corporate America in the 21st Century. Gotta love it.

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  14. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  almost 14 years ago

    @WaitingMan–but then they wonder why employees are not loyal to the company. When the company shows such disregard for them, why should they be loyal to such scum?

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  15. Missing large
    OryxConLara  almost 14 years ago

    All those files on the Grateful Dead? I never figured Wiley for a Dead Head…. …. truckin…

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  16. Ts
    SaunaBeach  almost 14 years ago

    I know why they are called “Dead Files” . Nobody ever fed them.


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  17. Missing large
    kershawfamily  almost 14 years ago

    @comic, a toe tag would indicate the corporation cares.

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  18. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Re Corporate America -

    Increased productivity is a paper scam.

    The reason companies are showing an increase in productivity is because they are reducing staff and asking the remaining employees to do more.

    Or, the companies are letting go higher paid, experienced employees (usually older) and replacing them with lower paid kids fresh out of college.

    Either way, the companies are lowering their expenses as compared to their profits to boost their “productivity.”

    This is short sighted, because, especially in service industries, reducing staff will ultimately drive away customers.

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  19. Canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Fish Stix, these are managers! Wally has nothing to worry about. If anybody gets laid off it will be Dilbert (or some equally productive member of the team!)

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  20. Canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Correction, make that “laid out!”

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  21. Missing large
    pdchapin  almost 14 years ago

    Productivity always goes up in a recession. Companies start by laying out the least productive employees raising the average level of those who remain.

    Perhaps we need a law mandating that companies lay off the most productive first. The faster output falls, the more employees the company will have to keep. We’d end up with higher employment and lower GDP, the reverse of what we have now.

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