Our house is never the cleanest or best organized, but this past year (since last October) we have been going through an assortment of problems, nothing earthshaking, just a perverted version of “Groundhog Day” when things we do have to be done over and over and over… again until they are finally resolved, and the housekeeping has slid downhill.
We had bought toilet paper at Costco and the package was sitting on the dining room floor as we we still had TP in the closet (husband buys early when it is on sale before it is needed). Well, the closet supply got used up finally. I schlepped the package upstairs. Moved the Costco package of tissue boxes out of the closet to slide the TP behind it. With the TP in the closet – the tissue boxes did not fit back in. I had to take out 4 rolls of TP to put in the two bathrooms as spares (husbands likes to have 2 spare rolls) and rearrange all the TP left in the package to fit it all in.
Then I saw that we only had one roll left in the closet of the “special” brand that husband needs to use sometimes and mentioned that we had to buy him more of same. (Walmart sized package not Costco as we use a lot less of it and I said NO to the Walmart size.) Not He told me that there was a package in - the dining room (not used much, mostly for Christmas decoration so good storage spot). I told him it will have to remain there until we sneeze or …. a lot more so some tissue boxes or rolls of TP are moved out of the closet.
jmworacle over 5 years ago
Children wull have their fun…
Stevefk over 5 years ago
Now thats what I call a wipeout!
BearsDown Premium Member over 5 years ago
Please don’t squeeze the Kirkland!
oakie817 over 5 years ago
oh, you got the small one
metagalaxy1970 over 5 years ago
That would literally last me for at least 2 years!
mafastore over 5 years ago
Our house is never the cleanest or best organized, but this past year (since last October) we have been going through an assortment of problems, nothing earthshaking, just a perverted version of “Groundhog Day” when things we do have to be done over and over and over… again until they are finally resolved, and the housekeeping has slid downhill.
We had bought toilet paper at Costco and the package was sitting on the dining room floor as we we still had TP in the closet (husband buys early when it is on sale before it is needed). Well, the closet supply got used up finally. I schlepped the package upstairs. Moved the Costco package of tissue boxes out of the closet to slide the TP behind it. With the TP in the closet – the tissue boxes did not fit back in. I had to take out 4 rolls of TP to put in the two bathrooms as spares (husbands likes to have 2 spare rolls) and rearrange all the TP left in the package to fit it all in.
Then I saw that we only had one roll left in the closet of the “special” brand that husband needs to use sometimes and mentioned that we had to buy him more of same. (Walmart sized package not Costco as we use a lot less of it and I said NO to the Walmart size.) Not He told me that there was a package in - the dining room (not used much, mostly for Christmas decoration so good storage spot). I told him it will have to remain there until we sneeze or …. a lot more so some tissue boxes or rolls of TP are moved out of the closet.