After that, he just needed to figure out how matter channeled that force into keeping itself in a state of relative harmonic equilibrium in regard to its environment. Every atom is happy to exist all by itself, but still has the ability to bond with others. Well, so long as its outermost electron shell isn’t full, anyway. Then it doesn’t care about others at all. Turns out you don’t want to dismantle matter, because pure conversion to energy is just too much energy to handle. One lone hydrogen atom proved that. Luckily, nobody was close enough to get hurt. So he took on temporal changes, ’cause he figured that the apparent changes to time in relativity, the ticking clock of quantum packets, must be a whole lot safer to work with.
Kinda depends on whether I have a cheerful [nope!] or a depressing [yup!] personality. Still, I do relish my own company over that of other people [ugh!]….
*Space Madness at The Station* over 5 years ago
Depression is a DE"s word, hint nit..
!!ǝlɐ⅁ over 5 years ago
Easy way to tell: what’s your reaction if you tell yourself to piss off?
3hourtour Premium Member over 5 years ago
… enjoying yourself seems the opposite of depression…
… of course you can go blind…
…and get hairy palms…
…but those are the side affects/effects of Viagra, too…
…I am pleasant company…
…it’s that nagging second voice that questions my every move that is frustrating…
…I would say it’s my conscious, but it is equally likely to tell me to do it as not to…
…whatever opinion I form it questions it…
… except Trump…
…we both know how we feel about him…
…I blame Obama…
…it blames leotards…
…I blame those impossible burgers…
…it blames scapegoats…
…I’m a DH sort of guy…
…it thinks designated hitters are ruining baseball…
… but we both know what we think about Trump…
Arianne over 5 years ago
Here I am, stuccoed, in the middle, and blue.
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Don’t have to be depressed to enjoy your own company! You have to like yourself before you can like others…..
*Space Madness at The Station* over 5 years ago
I sold a lot of wine to Curtis Lowe
coltish1 over 5 years ago
I’m somewhat afraid of you, Virginia.
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 5 years ago
A consequence of tight hair. Loosen up.
Mighty Phavahg over 5 years ago
Two things can be true at once.
Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member over 5 years ago
She later thought, “Should I kill myself or go bowling?”
mjkaswan Premium Member over 5 years ago
The two go together a lot. When I’m depressed I try to distract myself from myself. But your readers love you!
Radish... over 5 years ago
There’s a little bit of frog in all of us, who ever you may be.
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 5 years ago
After that, he just needed to figure out how matter channeled that force into keeping itself in a state of relative harmonic equilibrium in regard to its environment. Every atom is happy to exist all by itself, but still has the ability to bond with others. Well, so long as its outermost electron shell isn’t full, anyway. Then it doesn’t care about others at all. Turns out you don’t want to dismantle matter, because pure conversion to energy is just too much energy to handle. One lone hydrogen atom proved that. Luckily, nobody was close enough to get hurt. So he took on temporal changes, ’cause he figured that the apparent changes to time in relativity, the ticking clock of quantum packets, must be a whole lot safer to work with.
*Space Madness at The Station* over 5 years ago
Could go to Vegas and spend a grand time in a minute or two.
Sisyphos over 5 years ago
Kinda depends on whether I have a cheerful [nope!] or a depressing [yup!] personality. Still, I do relish my own company over that of other people [ugh!]….
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Do something then don’t just be depressed.
Howard'sMyHero over 5 years ago
Here’s a solution for this poor lady: strip down naked and ride a horse bareback down Main Street ….