C'est la Vie by Jennifer Babcock for August 21, 2019

  1. Missing large
    destry1970  over 5 years ago

    Or when asking did the condom just brake?

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  2. Ultaman les paul
    jvn  over 5 years ago

    Or when the pilot of the plane grabs the only parachute and says it as he heads for the door.

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  3. Picture
    Ray*C  over 5 years ago

    When your lawyer says it.

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 5 years ago

    Eww! Mona makes a fart joke!

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  5. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 5 years ago

    Such things are normal biologically. blame the tiny percentage of sulfur that gives it the stink. One way of detecting life out there among the stars.

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  6. Jb jazz
    AlnicoV   over 5 years ago

    Spilled drinks, stale cigarette smoke, dirty clothes, unwashed body, gas, there are so many things about Mona that stink up the room.

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