Yesterday I went to on a Dr. visit, sinus with infection spreading. No lollipop for me, next I noticed under a chair a fish cracker, brought to Dr.’s attention, he made fast work used Kleenex and trash, said dad and child for medical, mean time on antibiotic and I am in pain.
AnyFace over 5 years ago
Short, but sweet. ✨❤️✨
JD'Huntsville'AL over 5 years ago
My Dentist actually recommends candies made with Xylitol, such as “Ice Chips”, because Xylitol creates a hostile environment for bacteria.
Jogger2 over 5 years ago
Lollipop lollipopOh lolli lolli lolli, lollipop, lollipop …
Lyons Group, Inc. over 5 years ago
Sugar-free, not me!
Call me insane
but I don’t
like anything that contains aspartame.
kab2rb over 5 years ago
Yesterday I went to on a Dr. visit, sinus with infection spreading. No lollipop for me, next I noticed under a chair a fish cracker, brought to Dr.’s attention, he made fast work used Kleenex and trash, said dad and child for medical, mean time on antibiotic and I am in pain.