Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for February 24, 2011

  1. Rick
    davidf42  about 14 years ago

    Maybe itā€™ll be some long lost information about Madam Octave.

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  2. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  about 14 years ago

    ā€Fallen outā€? ā€œUnder his chairā€? Clearly this is no accident! Walt must not want the Army History Museum to have the horseshoe, preferring to list it and the relevant documentation on eBay. Iā€™m sure he figures that if a tissue used by Scarlett Johansson sold for $5,300, a horseshoe thrown by Captain Jackā€™s mount will really cause a ruckus!

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  3. Missing large
    WaitingMan  about 14 years ago

    Silliness? In a comic strip? Whoda thunk it!

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  4. P6290172a
    436rge  about 14 years ago

    What wonderful opportunities Jim missed by concentrating on the silly antics of Joel and Rufus instead of the day to day life of say Chipper, a physician assistant, and his twins growing up. They must be graduating high school now! Adam with his Asian wife Tika and daughter Ada. Where was Gretchen and Nubbin? Could they be gay and kept out of sight? All those rich charecters not used I am sure had King and Moores rolling in their graves.

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  5. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  about 14 years ago

    Maybe he could back up and do some backfill here and there, or even Gasp have an apprentice spin off a new strip in the Sherpaā€¦

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  6. Schulzsense 0
    Paul1963  about 14 years ago

    436rge, I feel the same way. Back in 2007, when the real strip was mired in a plotline featuring a contest to determine who would be Corkyā€™s new dishwasher (I swear Iā€™m not making that up), I wrote a serial fanfic on the old message board that featured Gretchen and Nubbin. When I temporarily ran out of ideas for that story, I switched over to a story about Chipperā€™s son Gus (who was then 14) starting a lawn-care business. Since nobody from TMS told me to knock it off when I created a heretofore-unknown French half-brother for Skeezix, I went ahead and introduced a boyfriend for Gretchen before merging back into what I mistakenly thought would be a Wallet-family story in the actual strip. I havenā€™t been able to get back to it since late ā€˜07, but I figure Gretchen has a ring now, and 18-year-old Gus is trying to decide whether to go to college or focus on his business, which now has several employees in addition to himself. We got an Ada story in the strip in early 2009, featuring a rivalry over a guy between herself and Amanda Lynn.

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