We had some neighbors with two small but very (very) loud dogs who would race around the yard and shriek at peaceable and inoffensive citizens passing by on the public street. Very annoying.
For a variety of reasons we rely on our watch-BC to alert us when someone is at the door, which he does very effectively. And after we pull ourselves off the ceiling we tell him what a goo’ boy he is.
RAGs over 5 years ago
(the important part of the house)
PICTO over 5 years ago
“Take the tv. but touch the Beggin’ Strips and you’ll lose a hand…" Koko
Stevefk over 5 years ago
It would be interesting to know how many houses were passed on by burglars when a barking dog was present.
pekenpug over 5 years ago
That’s why we keep the snack cupboard in the house.
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Pretty sure burglars aren’t interested in Beggin’ Strips.
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 5 years ago
GRRRRRRR! Nobody threatens my Bacon Treats!
sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 5 years ago
I have two little toy dogs, but they raise a ruckus like big ones anytime anyone comes near my house!
AndrewSihler over 5 years ago
We had some neighbors with two small but very (very) loud dogs who would race around the yard and shriek at peaceable and inoffensive citizens passing by on the public street. Very annoying.
dogday Premium Member over 5 years ago
For a variety of reasons we rely on our watch-BC to alert us when someone is at the door, which he does very effectively. And after we pull ourselves off the ceiling we tell him what a goo’ boy he is.
Gent over 5 years ago
Just wait till the suspicious guy offers him a free bone to chew on. So much for faithfulness!