My parents are retired and wake up around 5am every morning. They know to not expect any phone calls or emails from me until the afternoon. Once they got an email from me with a time-stamp of 11:30pm and remarked how late that was. I corrected them and said, “actually, 11:30pm is pretty early in the evening for me.” It’s a family joke now.
enigmamz over 5 years ago
It’s nice to be nice.
dwane.scoty1 over 5 years ago
Know it’s hard to believe, but not all Geezers are so starved for attention will use any excuse to ramble on incoherently!
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 5 years ago
zerotvus over 5 years ago
why when i was your age……
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
FB? Whodathunk? Crabby ole man!
Ignatz Premium Member over 5 years ago
Yes, I HAVE become a morning person as I’ve aged. Do you have a problem with that?
Old Salt over 5 years ago
At my age almost all of the women are younger and I just love when they say Good Morning to me!
Jml58 over 5 years ago
It WAS a good morning. Then my alarm clock went off.
Leojim over 5 years ago
There used to be a saying / bumper sticker: “mean people suck”. That applies here royally.
Vet Premium Member over 5 years ago
Eyup it’s a beautiful fantastic great morning!!! I woke up……..still alive!!!! As said in a song…..A good day is any day that you’re alive.
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member over 5 years ago
My parents are retired and wake up around 5am every morning. They know to not expect any phone calls or emails from me until the afternoon. Once they got an email from me with a time-stamp of 11:30pm and remarked how late that was. I corrected them and said, “actually, 11:30pm is pretty early in the evening for me.” It’s a family joke now.