Last night my 14-year-old daughter complained about the amount of homework she got; she said, with level 4 classes, she was expecting MORE! Yes, I officially have the strangest kid.
Kid didn’t like it years and years ago when I pointed out that arguing and procrastinating about his homework for 2 hours meant that his 30 minutes worth of just doing the work actually took him 150 minutes, and that he’d wasted 4/5ths of his time. So he pouted another ten minutes and then found his math error in about 20 seconds. He was pleased he found the answer “all by himself” though…
Templo S.U.D. over 5 years ago
So, Mike, you’re saying you already finished your homework? Hope about — oh, I don’t know — do the next chapters if you’re that bored?
rekam Premium Member over 5 years ago
I doubt he’s even opened his books to do his homework. He’d rather lie there and complain.
capricorn9th over 5 years ago
Ah. He doesn’t consider homework as something to do. He blames them for his being bored because he doesn’t want to do it.
Great Wizard Nala over 5 years ago
I seldom (almost never) did homework! They said it was for practice. I said I knew it already so I didn’t need practice. Proved it on exams!!
Daniel Verburg over 5 years ago
It shows, in a flawless comment.
destry1970 over 5 years ago
So you weren’t boreing?
asrialfeeple over 5 years ago
If you’re bored, go clean your room.
jpayne4040 over 5 years ago
Look at it this way: by the time you’re done with all of that homework it’ll be time to go to sleep!
Wren Fahel over 5 years ago
Last night my 14-year-old daughter complained about the amount of homework she got; she said, with level 4 classes, she was expecting MORE! Yes, I officially have the strangest kid.
godess_of_fire078 over 5 years ago
He’s lucky he only has to stay home for four days or so, my mom would have made him clean all weekend.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 5 years ago
I am so with you there. Nothing can take the life out of living like homework. Wait, I work from home sometimes. Never mind.
Display over 5 years ago
Kid didn’t like it years and years ago when I pointed out that arguing and procrastinating about his homework for 2 hours meant that his 30 minutes worth of just doing the work actually took him 150 minutes, and that he’d wasted 4/5ths of his time. So he pouted another ten minutes and then found his math error in about 20 seconds. He was pleased he found the answer “all by himself” though…
Ken Otwell over 5 years ago
I remember those days (or “daze”) as a teen. I wish I had all those wasted minutes back.
PammWhittaker over 5 years ago
My class was “experimental” Starting in 7th grade, there was zero homework. Fine with me, I’d usually read up on what I was interested in already.
Sassy's Mom over 5 years ago
Why is it there are times when you’re bored and yet nothing sounds interesting to do?
johnpaulits over 5 years ago
Doesn’t he mean he’d have nothing to do?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Big irony there.
Ginny Premium Member over 5 years ago
I’m bored, bored, bored reading about this kid.
fix-n-fly over 5 years ago
You have some time to think about your actions of the recent past. Hopefully you will think twice before you “test the limits” again!
howtheduck over 5 years ago
Third day in a row my comment has been deleted. Time to talk to the moderator and see what is going on.