My Molly loved to chase the tiny fallen apples I’d throw into the woods. When she searched for one in some shrubbery, her tail would circle wildly. That’s the only time, her tail would do that. When her tail would circle while she dreamed, I knew what she was dreaming about.
Nachikethass over 5 years ago
VR dream!
Lyons Group, Inc. over 5 years ago
Be glad he didn’t eat beans!
cdward over 5 years ago
Vivid dreams he has, eh?
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Our dog only twitches and moans – I think he is dreaming that I’m eating a snack and don’t share!
marilynnbyerly over 5 years ago
My Molly loved to chase the tiny fallen apples I’d throw into the woods. When she searched for one in some shrubbery, her tail would circle wildly. That’s the only time, her tail would do that. When her tail would circle while she dreamed, I knew what she was dreaming about.
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
I know the showed a soda, but that sounded like beer.
Plods with ...™ over 5 years ago
Aw. C’mon guys. You had the perfect opportunity for a phart joke.
ajakimber425 over 5 years ago
And every man’s dream.
NursinGenius over 5 years ago
Nope, usually came out the other end