Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for October 31, 2019
Mr. Negato: Bow, Captain Victory! Bow before my unrivaled genius! Captain Victory: Hey Mr. Negato - If you're so much smarter than me, how come I always beat you? Mr. Negato: Ah, I'm glad you asked, Captain! You see, your mind is uncluttered by doubt, regret or remorse, where I second-guess, rationalize and procrastinate, you just blindly plod forward. I obsess over every detail while you just let things go. I analyze, theorize and hypothesize, but you just accept whatever explanation is easiest. I just forge my own understanding of the world, while you are placated by the most banal cliches. I'm hamstrung by my own genius, and that is why I always fail to your lesser intellect. Captain Victory: Plus I can, like, beat you up and stuff. Mr. Negato: Well, yes, there's that too...
Differentname over 5 years ago
Dashiell Hammett once wrote of a crook called ‘The Whosis Kid.’ He’d just walk into a place and take the loot and usually get away clean, while ‘smarter’ crooks with elaborate plans would get caught.
Milady Meg over 5 years ago
I feel like there’s a conservative v liberal undercurrent here.
C.t.Hunnewell over 5 years ago
In the words of David Thoreau, “SIMPLFY, SIMPLYFY!”
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Why are all the villains geniuses?
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
Simply put, yes.
knight1192a over 5 years ago
You know, if he’d just listen to his own explination they’d be more evenly matched.