Voice: ATTACK!! Noise: Wam! WHOMP! Hamhock: Whaddya say... "rock, paper, scissors"? Leprechaun: Make it beer pong and you're on...
My kind of Irish Man.
I was thinking the Leprechaun was the only one with enough supernatural power to take on Tyr…. I guess discretion is the real superpower here.
By the way, have you seen me Lucky Charms?
allen@home over 2 years ago
My kind of Irish Man.
Blackangus over 2 years ago
I was thinking the Leprechaun was the only one with enough supernatural power to take on Tyr…. I guess discretion is the real superpower here.
cuzinron47 over 2 years ago
By the way, have you seen me Lucky Charms?