Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for December 25, 2024
from the tip top secretive dossiers of S.P.E.A.R. subject: fritz first appearance: 11-7-05 aliases: captain jerk face, old stink butt, clock watcher general (all from bixby) affiliations: ink pen owner and proprietor. history: Started out as a body dbouel for marmaduke, but was uncomfortable doing nudity (ref:11-5-07) he found bixby in a dumpster and gave him a job because he sensed that he had that "thing". unfortunately that thing turned out to be scabies. drawbacks: sometimes has a hard time controlling his canine reflexes. drink of choice: Alkaline-ionized mountain spring water. from the toilet.
LawrenceS about 1 month ago
Instincts… Gotta love them. Gotta hate ’em too, but this is Christmas so let the love shine (on special – today only).
kaystari Premium Member about 1 month ago
I looked up 11-5-07, and it’s true, the Marmaduke story line, it’s there!I’m gonna look up the other ones too.