Good idea. You’ll still consume all your standard amounts of saturated fat and salt, just more evenly distributed throughout your day to smooth out those peaks and valleys you’ve been experiencing. Now if you can adjust your caffeine and sugar intake in likewise fashion, I am willing to bet you can have a life expectancy of two decades, instead of a measly 20 years.
White Castle should have trademarked the term Sliders for their burgers: steam-grilled on a bed of chopped onions and so much more moist and juicy than other mini-burgers and -sandwiches. It’s the steamy bun and juicy burger as much as the small size that makes you think they’d just slide right down.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 5 years ago
Good idea. You’ll still consume all your standard amounts of saturated fat and salt, just more evenly distributed throughout your day to smooth out those peaks and valleys you’ve been experiencing. Now if you can adjust your caffeine and sugar intake in likewise fashion, I am willing to bet you can have a life expectancy of two decades, instead of a measly 20 years.
Jefano Premium Member over 5 years ago
White Castle should have trademarked the term Sliders for their burgers: steam-grilled on a bed of chopped onions and so much more moist and juicy than other mini-burgers and -sandwiches. It’s the steamy bun and juicy burger as much as the small size that makes you think they’d just slide right down.
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member over 5 years ago
I liked the first couple of seasons of that show too. Is it still available for binge-watching?
Totalloser Premium Member over 5 years ago
I only think about White Castle when it comes to sliders, they slide right thru your body.
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
It’s healthier to eat smaller and more often…..chomp chomp…..