Interesting. I also thought the first two panels were identical at first, but on close inspection, it’s clear they were drawn independently. Besides the difference in Jon’s mouth that BW noticed, the fingers on Jon’s right hand are positioned differently, the gold label on the book’s spine is taller in the second panel, Jon’s collar is more open in the first panel, etc. Davis has just gotten exceedingly good at drawing the same things over and over.
OK, you guys have finally got me to respond.
Here’s what I see:
Jon’s mouth is very different, his sideburn is different, his fingers on both hands are in a different position. Different amounts of open collar are seen. The shadow on the bottom of his shirt is different. The crease in his elbow and underarm are different. The bottom bit of his hair is different. His sleeve is in a different position relative to Garfield. The shadows on the book are different. One of the pages in the book are in a different position. The dots on Garfields mouth are different. The shadow by Garfield’s right paw is different. The amount of his tail showing is different.
There’s probably more, but that’s more than enough from me.
However, even if the two panels were identical, I wouldn’t fault Jim for that at all.
Again, I see the differences in the panels. However, it wouldn’t matter to me if Mr. Davis DID use the same panels as long as it coincided with the point of the comic.
comicgos almost 14 years ago
Lordy - have we milked the Garfield eating the goldfish story good enough yet?
Llewellenbruce almost 14 years ago
First two panels are identical except for the dialog. Just like yesterday.
pouncingtiger almost 14 years ago
See Jon making the same mistake more than once.
Justice22 almost 14 years ago
Setting the stage for days to come…………
pcolli almost 14 years ago
The first two panels are identical because nobody’s moved.
If someone made a cartoon of my life there’d be a lot of identical panels.
Bittermelon of Truth almost 14 years ago
@Llewellenbruce: Not quite, in the second panel Jon’s mouth is slightly smaller. :)
zeeny almost 14 years ago
Is he tryin to make Garf feel guilty????? I dont think he is getting anywhere closer to it…
stormydaze almost 14 years ago
i think its time we moved on. the goldfish is gone, garfield will eat next one eventually,
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
Er, having suffered with this feline for years, I still don’t know how many fish Jon has bought. Buy an electric eel.
TexTech almost 14 years ago
Wow, Lewreader. That would be shocking surprise for Garfield!
IdahoSpud almost 14 years ago
You can’t change a cat’s nature, Jon.
Clueless, indeed!
Prof_Bleen almost 14 years ago
Interesting. I also thought the first two panels were identical at first, but on close inspection, it’s clear they were drawn independently. Besides the difference in Jon’s mouth that BW noticed, the fingers on Jon’s right hand are positioned differently, the gold label on the book’s spine is taller in the second panel, Jon’s collar is more open in the first panel, etc. Davis has just gotten exceedingly good at drawing the same things over and over.
IdahoSpud almost 14 years ago
OK, you guys have finally got me to respond. Here’s what I see:
Jon’s mouth is very different, his sideburn is different, his fingers on both hands are in a different position. Different amounts of open collar are seen. The shadow on the bottom of his shirt is different. The crease in his elbow and underarm are different. The bottom bit of his hair is different. His sleeve is in a different position relative to Garfield. The shadows on the book are different. One of the pages in the book are in a different position. The dots on Garfields mouth are different. The shadow by Garfield’s right paw is different. The amount of his tail showing is different.
There’s probably more, but that’s more than enough from me.
However, even if the two panels were identical, I wouldn’t fault Jim for that at all.
Justice22 almost 14 years ago
I think Jon is replaced by an impostor in the second panel.
COWBOY7 almost 14 years ago
We must be near the end of the book……………
lin4869 almost 14 years ago
Again, I see the differences in the panels. However, it wouldn’t matter to me if Mr. Davis DID use the same panels as long as it coincided with the point of the comic.
codycab almost 14 years ago
See Garfield happily and deviously eat the goldfish for dinner.