The Big Picture by Lennie Peterson for October 26, 2019

  1. Missing large
    tnaujack Premium Member over 5 years ago

    OMG Safe Travels!!

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    amethyst52 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Do you have to dig up dirt on the Bidens in return for the kitty?

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    katina.cooper  over 5 years ago

    At least you don’t have to go to the Russia or the China or the Africa to pick him up. If Ginger has her way, the new cat will be able to see her and they will be able to play together.

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    dlkrueger33  over 5 years ago

    I thought he was already in their (your?) possession based on the last strips with Homeslice. Doesn’t one need a visa to go to Ukraine? I know Russia required us to send our passports someplace and told us it would take about a month. We decided not to include St. Petersburg in our upcoming trip. I’m not sending my passport anywhere. Curious about Ukraine, though.

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    constantine48  over 5 years ago

    Is the cat a rescue? Or do you know the owners? I’ve read that some people will shave a cat, to sell it as a hairless cat for lots of money (it’s very bad and painful for the cat!)

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    Plods with ...™  over 5 years ago

    It’s good that you’re picking Homeslice up.

    Rescued a litter of puppies that were shipped from Poland in wooden crates with no food and what water the crew could get through the slats for 10 days.

    Not sure about quarantine laws tho.

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  7. Chai
    Perkycat  over 5 years ago

    Can’t you find some closer to home. That’s one expensive cat!

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    We have enough cats in need here. The girlfriend loses more points for this.

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  9. Missing large  over 5 years ago

    When I was in Kiev, I had to stop saying “The Ukraine” because the natives kept laughing at me. It’s just Ukraine. It’s not The Yukon.

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