Edith: Thanks for taking me shopping for my Dad, Coach Georgie. Georgie: my pleasure. What does the big guy like? Edith: The "big guy" likes the military and cooking. Edith: Do you see what I see? Georgie: No. Edith: Wow, that camouflage really works.
KenTheCoffinDweller about 3 years ago
And if the camo can take the heat, her father really would be pleased to get the set.
Ellis97 about 3 years ago
It’s nice to see Edith and Georgie try to get along with each other. They both have a mutual love and affection for Bull, so they want to get him a nice present.
Ellis97 about 3 years ago
Also, how come Georgie is black or Hispanic? Is this another coloring error?
raybarb44 about 3 years ago
DON STEINER about 3 years ago
hey, wait a minute. . at one point, Georgie was Blonde and Caucasian, something is amiss here.