Cleats by Bill Hinds for July 08, 2022
Mondo: This is going to be cool! Jack: I can't believe we're going to do the xtreme free fall water slide! Edith: We'll be talking about this for a long time. Mondo: I hear it's so steep you're actually airborne for a second. Edith: I wonder if anybody has actually flown out of the chute? Mondo: That would've been cool! Jack: I can't believe we almost did the xtreme free fall water slide! Edith: WNobody talk about this.
allen@home over 2 years ago
You three should be hanging your heads in shame. Big wusses.
Ellis97 over 2 years ago
I think Jack, Mondo and Edith are afraid of heights. For one brief shining moment, they were ready to take on their fears.
Ellis97 over 2 years ago
Sometimes, you just gotta turn back.
rhpii over 2 years ago
Modern day equivalent of backing down off the high dive.
asrialfeeple over 2 years ago
Cowards! Quitters!“A coward dies several times ….”