Cleats by Bill Hinds for May 18, 2024

  1. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  9 months ago

    To this day we still have the debate whether everyone gets a participation trophy or does one go old school and basically give a nice trophy to the champions, one for the MVP and perhaps but not necessarily required, a small trophy for the runner up.

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    Ellis97  9 months ago

    But Deena, the real question is: Did the girls really earn those trophies? Or are you just obligated to give everyone participation awards?

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    thight1944  9 months ago

    Don’t care much for trophies, but one year I got a small one for helping coach my son’s soccer team. I’ve always figured I got it because I was the only father who showed up for all the practices and games. It’s the only one I’ve ever cared about and even it was lost somewhere along the way.

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    Ed The Red Premium Member 9 months ago

    I’m old enough to be thinking about retiring, and I was given participation trophies. So if you think it’s just kids today who got them, those “kids today” have a lot of grey hair. It’s been going on for at least three generations.

    So if you are old enough that your generation didn’t get participation trophies, then your generation was handing them out. Your generation might even have started it.

    Besides, it’s not the children giving themselves the trophies. It’s adults. If you disapprove of them, point your fingers at their parents.

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