The girl with Nancy (don’t know her name) talks like a pessimist. As an optimist I would have said. "Sounds like you’ve reached the kind of true self-confidence where someone else’s success makes you laugh in joy and happiness.
I know cellardooor is interested in how Nancy appears (spoiler – in this case with no header) but I’ll save them a couple of clicks since for the next few days you can download an example of the Times’ output here (23MB or so PDF):
SHIVA about 5 years ago
Good Nancy, a moment of enlightment.
dcdete. about 5 years ago
The girl with Nancy (don’t know her name) talks like a pessimist. As an optimist I would have said. "Sounds like you’ve reached the kind of true self-confidence where someone else’s success makes you laugh in joy and happiness.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member about 5 years ago
In other Nancy news, congrats to OJ on being picked up for the Tampa Bay Times (in electronic form):
I know cellardooor is interested in how Nancy appears (spoiler – in this case with no header) but I’ll save them a couple of clicks since for the next few days you can download an example of the Times’ output here (23MB or so PDF):
asrialfeeple about 5 years ago
Cold day. Both of them are wearing winterclothes.
asrialfeeple about 5 years ago
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 5 years ago
Nancy puts up a brave front and sports a helluva lot of bravado…. but deep inside she is utterly insecure and unsure of herself. Poignant.