I’ve always wondered about Tarzan’s favourite mode of transportation- swinging from vine to vine. There seems to be a fair amount of faith involved – Faith that the vine that you’ve grabbed onto isn’t rotten and is firmly affixed to something above – Faith that, as you are swinging, you are going to see another suitable vine in front of you. I imagine that there would be a lot of times when there are just no handy vines to continue in the direction he is going. In which case, he would have to drop to the ground and go on foot until he comes across another hanging vine.
I think I’ve just overanalyzed the whole vine swinging scenario.
finkd about 5 years ago
Tarzan, meet the real George Rocke.
Marc Poschman about 5 years ago
Bamboo trees?? They look more like banana trees!
Gent about 5 years ago
So, why’d Captain Crook keep this guy alive when he killed everyone else? Wait, watch out, Jungle Boy, it’s a trap!
BigDaveGlass about 5 years ago
He’s got some vital info to impart to Tarz that the Captain needs….I guess..
J Short about 5 years ago
You water the bamboo daily, and the guy is slowly stretched to death.
Old Comic Strip Lover about 5 years ago
Wow! What are the odds of three white guys being in the same area in this part of the jungle?
Polsixe about 5 years ago
Tarzan will demand to see some ID papers first.
profkatz about 5 years ago
The real “George Rocke” insurance man! Cross is not smart enough to come up with a moniker like that!!
LoneDog about 5 years ago
I’ve always wondered about Tarzan’s favourite mode of transportation- swinging from vine to vine. There seems to be a fair amount of faith involved – Faith that the vine that you’ve grabbed onto isn’t rotten and is firmly affixed to something above – Faith that, as you are swinging, you are going to see another suitable vine in front of you. I imagine that there would be a lot of times when there are just no handy vines to continue in the direction he is going. In which case, he would have to drop to the ground and go on foot until he comes across another hanging vine.
I think I’ve just overanalyzed the whole vine swinging scenario.