For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for January 07, 2020

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 5 years ago

    Third time’s the charm (seeing as it will be the Pattersons’ third child).

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    jpayne4040  about 5 years ago

    LOL! Yes, you’re in the right room, John!

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    Stevefk  about 5 years ago

    Looks like they’ve got a large turnout!

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    Grutzi  about 5 years ago

    This is great! From the doorway, it doesn’t look like anyone is really under the age of 30 so she won’t feel out of place. Of course, by the time they get to kindergarten roundup and everyone seems to be barely 20, it will be a different story.

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    Gerard:D  about 5 years ago

    Lynn’s Comments:

    Dr. Enkin was the author of several obstetrics text books and his opinion was: “Childbirth isn’t a disease and shouldn’t necessarily happen in a hospital.” This was something I believed, too.

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    stillfickled Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I never realized John was so stupid.

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    Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I’ve only had one child and I never took classes. Even had him naturally (no epidural!) but it all went down in the hospital but that was my personal choice. I was too scared to attempt something like that at home even with a midwife. I don’t plan to ever have another child, but if I did, I think I’d do it the same exact way again.

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    kathleenhicks62  about 5 years ago

    Feel like an “old” person here……

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    tuslog1964  about 5 years ago

    How old? My mother was 40 when I was born, and my youngest son when my wife was 40 years old. She was up and looking in the nursery, when a couple teeny boppers came by, and one said “I heard some old woman 40 years old had a baby!” “Oh, tell me about it!”

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    WilliamPennat  about 5 years ago

    No. That’s got to be the local Weight Watchers meeting, lol….

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    fix-n-fly  about 5 years ago

    All they need to do is listen to Bill Cosby talk about childbirth ( This is an old skit but is good for some laughs.

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    oakie817  about 5 years ago


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