Remember, all. Frank Cho stopped writing Liberty Meadows over 20 years ago. These are repeats and will always be repeats. Even more frustrating is that will run the story arcs in random order. Who knows where we’ll be next week? Cho has stated on his blog that he does not visit this website, nor does he read the comments left here.
fred.grenouille about 5 years ago
Qiset about 5 years ago
Have you ever wanted to knock the SH_T out of someone?
jimboklein about 5 years ago
Remember, all. Frank Cho stopped writing Liberty Meadows over 20 years ago. These are repeats and will always be repeats. Even more frustrating is that will run the story arcs in random order. Who knows where we’ll be next week? Cho has stated on his blog that he does not visit this website, nor does he read the comments left here.
PaulKmecak about 5 years ago
Panels 2 & 3. Does I hears me some spinach-eatin’ music?
Airbender about 5 years ago
I was hoping she was going to hand the ring to Mom with instructions as to where she could shove it.
RAGs about 5 years ago
Appropriate that “Mom” is shown in blackout with glowing eyes.