Sedine’s mom could have been free to bring one too, but that would have both helped her daughter and made her husband happy, then she couldn’t have her favorite meal for Thanksgiving…misery! XD
That drawing of the bird reminds me of the Cholesterol chicken from “The Gregory Horror Show”, he was told he would be honored at holidays…much like this bird, maybe this Turkey fell for the same line.
Curious— how big a turkey are the turkey people posting here presenting for the national bird day? What got me interested is that a friend of mine has had the “you should have gotten a bigger bird” line from his in-laws for a few decades, and this year, after much research, found companies with very large, cooked turkeys delivered hot on the day. His turkey is to be 29 pounds, and would not fit in the household oven, and costs too muh, but if it shuts them up he thinks it will be worth it. His wife is setting up to video record the delivery and unveiling of the bird, and she says if it shuts up her mother and her sister it will be well worth it.
I feel so sorry for Sedine and Sam. They worked so hard to bring this great meal to their family and they get no respect. Sam, put your foot down and say, “Enough! If you don’t like the food, leave, NOW!”
Looks huge to me. It’s better to spatchcock the bird and roast on a rack over a big tray of dressing to catch the juice. Cooks way more evenly that way, and there is enuf dressing for everybody. Additional cautionary thanksgiving advice: Don’t smoke an appetizer until after the sweet potatoes are done or you may get distracted and burn the marshmallows. (Last TG, it took 3 tries. The burnty ones tasted pretty good, tho.)
AnyFace about 5 years ago
AnyFace about 5 years ago
Will the camera gradually dolly down the length of the table for the next few days? ✨❤️✨
mddshubby2005 about 5 years ago
Ahem ‘The plural of turkey is turkeys.’ End grammar Nazi rant
Grumpy Old Guy about 5 years ago
Interesting…Sam’s dad seems to still be in his RV induced “haze”, and actually “sees” 2 turkeys; or he “sees” Sedine’s mom as another turkey.
Tough call as to which…
NewPatriot778 about 5 years ago
If Sedine’s mom insist on continuing her beratement I foresee plenty of “Kummerspeck” this holiday.(I expect Bea to know what that means)
NewPatriot778 about 5 years ago
Sedine’s mom could have been free to bring one too, but that would have both helped her daughter and made her husband happy, then she couldn’t have her favorite meal for Thanksgiving…misery! XD
NewPatriot778 about 5 years ago
That drawing of the bird reminds me of the Cholesterol chicken from “The Gregory Horror Show”, he was told he would be honored at holidays…much like this bird, maybe this Turkey fell for the same line.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 5 years ago
Sam: “Hey, come 2021, they’ll both be out of a job!” [All Laughing]
Queen Wolfen about 5 years ago
From the looks of it, she could fit her entire head inside that turkey… I guess they’ll have to bag an ostrich for her next year.
GirlGeek Premium Member about 5 years ago
Sedine’s Mom is about to be slapped
mjb515 about 5 years ago
Are you paying for it?
Pequod about 5 years ago
All are happy to give Sedine’s mom the bird. ’Tis the season.
Inahastation(eye nuh ha station) about 5 years ago
Love Sam and Sedine’s Thanksgiving (ahem) adventures. It helps me keep my family gathering in perspective!
Neo Stryder about 5 years ago
What did you want?, an Ostrich?
colcam about 5 years ago
Curious— how big a turkey are the turkey people posting here presenting for the national bird day? What got me interested is that a friend of mine has had the “you should have gotten a bigger bird” line from his in-laws for a few decades, and this year, after much research, found companies with very large, cooked turkeys delivered hot on the day. His turkey is to be 29 pounds, and would not fit in the household oven, and costs too muh, but if it shuts them up he thinks it will be worth it. His wife is setting up to video record the delivery and unveiling of the bird, and she says if it shuts up her mother and her sister it will be well worth it.
Mario500 about 5 years ago
(feels sad for "TURKEY’; not for not being “BIG ENOUGH”, but for ever getting into this position)
hk Premium Member about 5 years ago
I feel so sorry for Sedine and Sam. They worked so hard to bring this great meal to their family and they get no respect. Sam, put your foot down and say, “Enough! If you don’t like the food, leave, NOW!”
hk Premium Member about 5 years ago
Amazing detail Bea, amazing!
fgerbil46 about 5 years ago
Sedine’s face says it all!
Willywise52 Premium Member about 5 years ago
Better with just me and the wife.
Robert Nowall Premium Member about 5 years ago
Shut up and eat.
TwilightFaze about 5 years ago
I never thought I’d say this…like…EVER. But I agree with Sam’s dad.
jonnytest about 5 years ago
Looks huge to me. It’s better to spatchcock the bird and roast on a rack over a big tray of dressing to catch the juice. Cooks way more evenly that way, and there is enuf dressing for everybody. Additional cautionary thanksgiving advice: Don’t smoke an appetizer until after the sweet potatoes are done or you may get distracted and burn the marshmallows. (Last TG, it took 3 tries. The burnty ones tasted pretty good, tho.)
Dragoncat about 5 years ago
Perhaps it’s time to give Sedine’s mom a time-out… in a closet… with Clo-Chi 2.0…