The Ludicrous Insanity of the arch is a divergence. Instead follow the money trail. The gal running for office that gets money from her mom. One morning I picked up 15 thousand at a account at a bank. Drove to another bank putting it in someone else’s name. To make it a bit more insane – there are banks that for the most part do not exist.
rshive almost 4 years ago
But a wise and non-alcoholic dog. IMO BL could do lots worse.
Plods with ...™ almost 4 years ago
…..? And the problem?
Wlly Blly almost 4 years ago
Story arc?? What about the whole premise of the cartoon?
donwestonmysteries almost 4 years ago
Maybe a dog could do better than most politicians.
astortheater almost 4 years ago
The Ludicrous Insanity of the arch is a divergence. Instead follow the money trail. The gal running for office that gets money from her mom. One morning I picked up 15 thousand at a account at a bank. Drove to another bank putting it in someone else’s name. To make it a bit more insane – there are banks that for the most part do not exist.