Man, that double-possessive in the punchline threw me. I had to figure out that Jane’s Addiction was a rock group.
SO true, needing instructions for buyers over 12 years of age.
next up on the playlist, electric prunes, electric light orchestra, five man electrical band, and shocking blue…
And Peter Gabriel singing “Shock the Monkey.”
Keith Knight
February 13, 2017
Bob Blumenfeld over 3 years ago
Man, that double-possessive in the punchline threw me. I had to figure out that Jane’s Addiction was a rock group.
Miss Buttinsky Premium Member over 3 years ago
SO true, needing instructions for buyers over 12 years of age.
gopher gofer over 3 years ago
next up on the playlist, electric prunes, electric light orchestra, five man electrical band, and shocking blue…
Rabies65 over 3 years ago
And Peter Gabriel singing “Shock the Monkey.”