The Knight Life by Keith Knight for December 10, 2022
December 09, 2022
December 11, 2022
KK: You got pulled over by the cops?
KNL: yes!! It was terrible!!
He asked me for my license and registration...wrote me a ticket and sent me on my way!!
KK: Is there anything more to this story?
KN: I knew you wouldn't understand!!
I remember being pulled over by the cops, my black co-workers were surprised that I was just given a warning, then I explained “Middle-aged white guy”,
like many other foreigners, i’ve often been stopped for walking while gaijin. cops especially like to pick on non-japanese joggers because they’re apt to not have their mandatory ID on them at the time. a cop drove by while i was finishing off shoveling our entrance day before yesterday and my wife, who was just heading out to the store, tells me the reason he stopped down the street, notebook in hand, appeared to be because he wanted to observe what the suspicious gaijin was doing, suspiciously shoveling snow…
sergioandrade Premium Member about 2 years ago
I remember being pulled over by the cops, my black co-workers were surprised that I was just given a warning, then I explained “Middle-aged white guy”,
annqueue about 2 years ago
For a German, this would be very traumatic. Being wrong publicly is a shameful thing there.
Teto85 Premium Member about 2 years ago
You are lucky. If Keef had been driving you might be a widow.
CoffeeBob Premium Member about 2 years ago
Oh the HORROR of DWW.
gopher gofer about 2 years ago
like many other foreigners, i’ve often been stopped for walking while gaijin. cops especially like to pick on non-japanese joggers because they’re apt to not have their mandatory ID on them at the time. a cop drove by while i was finishing off shoveling our entrance day before yesterday and my wife, who was just heading out to the store, tells me the reason he stopped down the street, notebook in hand, appeared to be because he wanted to observe what the suspicious gaijin was doing, suspiciously shoveling snow…