When my youngest son was three, he once picked up the ringing phone, and in a deep, booming, James Earl Jones voice, announced to the caller, “Hello. This is God.” To this day I have no clue who was on the other end of the line, but I like to think that if it was a telemarketer they maybe decided to choose a better career.
Melki Premium Member 6 months ago
When my youngest son was three, he once picked up the ringing phone, and in a deep, booming, James Earl Jones voice, announced to the caller, “Hello. This is God.” To this day I have no clue who was on the other end of the line, but I like to think that if it was a telemarketer they maybe decided to choose a better career.
E.Z. Smith Premium Member 6 months ago
Also channeling Calvin.
joe19 6 months ago
What kind of device is that? Something from the year Y2K?
GG_loves_comics Premium Member 6 months ago
Question asked and answered.