Woman: A tube of toothpaste will that do it for you, hon? Eno: When did you start putting six packs of beer on the impulse item rack? Woman: When we say you pulling into the parking lot.
I’ve got Eno beat on this one. I order my groceries and beer online. If I don’t order the beer I get a call to confirm my order. So you could say; my beer is only one click away.
Llewellenbruce almost 14 years ago
They got you pegged Eno.
comicgos almost 14 years ago
Smart! Very Smart!
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
I thought the beer isle would be Eno’s first & last stop.
x_Tech almost 14 years ago
I’ve got Eno beat on this one. I order my groceries and beer online. If I don’t order the beer I get a call to confirm my order. So you could say; my beer is only one click away.
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
Eno, Spackle is almost a cheap as toothpaste and lasts longer.
Kokopelli almost 14 years ago
only 1 six pack?
lazygrazer almost 14 years ago
I’m betting he puts the toothpaste back and grabs another six pak…
COWBOY7 almost 14 years ago
They know your MO, Eno!