The Humble Stumble by Roy Schneider for March 12, 2021

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    chris_o42  about 4 years ago

    The worst is “Did I lock the basement door?”. Then you have to get up and check.

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  2. Sam eagle
    Pablo_New  about 4 years ago

    Should I water the hedge? Wow, that’s a stretch. lol

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    tremaine53  about 4 years ago

    Both Joe and Molly have their own versions of OCD.

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    baraktorvan  almost 4 years ago

    “Did I make Jason’s work lunch?” “Did I set the alarm?” “Did I close the door of the room the dog is in?” “I wonder what the mark on my skin is?” “Crap, did I call in Jason’s doctor appointment?” “Wonder why I can see all these colors when I close my eyes?” “What is that radio station I keep hearing and why is the volume so damn low that I can’t make out the lyrics?”

    Questions that run through my head at 50,000 words per second as I lie in bed waiting for sleep medication to do its thing.

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