Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for October 01, 2021

  1. Missing large
    wldhrsy2luv  over 3 years ago

    Great idea!

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  2. Marvin
    Smokie  over 3 years ago

    While watching the latest Senate hearings, I noticed that each Senator and each person being questioned had at least 2 plastic water bottles. And then these same people want me to conserve? Epitome of “do as I say and not as I do”. How many tons of plastic would that equal to every year?

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    gooddavid  over 3 years ago

    Meanwhile, thanks to covid, our school water fountains are closed down. We have bottle filling stations instead which keep track of the “number of bottles conserved”

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  4. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  over 3 years ago

    Posters never work. Kids catch on at an early age.

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  5. Win 20201204 12 32 23 pro
    oakie817  over 3 years ago

    growing up in RI, we called them bubblers

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