Volvo used to do adverts showing crash test dummies driving – I am not sure what the message was, it could have been only dummies drive a Volvo or you should drive a Volvo as if you are a dummy – e.g.
To quote the crash test dummies commercial, “You can learn a lot from a dummy” Though in the case of Trump, it’s a reiteration of “There’s a sucker born every minute”
mddshubby2005 almost 5 years ago
“Have you ever recorded the hit single ‘Mmm mmm mmm mmm’?”
whahoppened almost 5 years ago
He doesn’t look injured to me.
John M almost 5 years ago
Volvo used to do adverts showing crash test dummies driving – I am not sure what the message was, it could have been only dummies drive a Volvo or you should drive a Volvo as if you are a dummy – e.g.
Stevefk almost 5 years ago
Looks like one of c3po’s early relatives!
A# 466 almost 5 years ago
See “Bound and Gagged.”
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
That’s not gonna apply here, he signed a waiver.
guyjen2004 almost 5 years ago
“What?!!! I can get paid for that?!!!”
syzygy47 almost 5 years ago
To quote the crash test dummies commercial, “You can learn a lot from a dummy” Though in the case of Trump, it’s a reiteration of “There’s a sucker born every minute”
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
I see he’s crashed on the couch.
PuppyPapa almost 5 years ago
That’s funny, the previous comic in my lineup is Bound and Gagged, with a similar theme - ad targeting business from injured snowmen!