It was ever so. Think we’ll change? Not in my lifetime, I’m pretty sure. I’m not trying to be hopeless, just observant. Don’t forget, this cartoon is probably older than some of the people looking at it for the first time. And they’re thinking, what th’ hey?
Cpeckbourlioux about 5 years ago
It was ever so. Think we’ll change? Not in my lifetime, I’m pretty sure. I’m not trying to be hopeless, just observant. Don’t forget, this cartoon is probably older than some of the people looking at it for the first time. And they’re thinking, what th’ hey?
dadoctah about 5 years ago
“Remember on Tuesday: go to the polls and vote No on Proposition Yes!” — Gary Owens (or maybe it was Steve Allen)
Masterskrain about 5 years ago
“But, I’m for for, and against against, so where do I fit in??”
anomalous4 about 5 years ago
Down with up & up with down…
Kip W about 5 years ago
We’ll have to wait for the verdict of history, when the National Archive chooses which signs to blur.
Glibster Premium Member about 5 years ago
Er, I think these folks don’t realize they are on the same side,,,?
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member about 5 years ago
Their cause was conceived in syntax and dedicated to the preposition.
johnbrown1859 about 5 years ago
And by the way, Democracy is the last, best hope of earth. It cannot fail.
Màiri almost 4 years ago
What’s interesting is that I first misread the signs as for and against war.