Glad that Michigan has limited alimony. A spouse can get it temporarily if they need job training and permanently if they are old or disabled and have been off the job market for a long time. But it irks me that a spouse can get alimony when they are trained for work and can support themselves. My ex was working and doing fine, making about as much as me. She tried for alimony and was enraged when the judge denied it.
Yakety Sax almost 5 years ago
Ooooollllldddd joke………..
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 5 years ago
Generous judge.
Zebrastripes almost 5 years ago
HA! Another “bobble head” remark!
rshive almost 5 years ago
He doesn’t quite get it, does he?
KEA almost 5 years ago
That joke’s so old, when it was first told the Dead Sea was just getting sick
Airbender almost 5 years ago
Glad that Michigan has limited alimony. A spouse can get it temporarily if they need job training and permanently if they are old or disabled and have been off the job market for a long time. But it irks me that a spouse can get alimony when they are trained for work and can support themselves. My ex was working and doing fine, making about as much as me. She tried for alimony and was enraged when the judge denied it.
paranormal almost 5 years ago
Maybe I need to move Herman away from Geech in my Favorites…
PuppyPapa almost 5 years ago
Did you translate this from the original Sumerian yourself?
WCraft Premium Member almost 5 years ago
So…I”m guessing that some of you have hears this one? :-)
WCraft Premium Member almost 5 years ago
So…I’m guessing that some of you have heard this one?