The Queen should just have her guards take Remu out, then sacrifice the other blond to their ant gods. That’s usually how it goes, isn’t it? Oh yes, and the blonds fall in love with Tarzan.
Which blonde will end up as Queen of the Hill? Actually this is interesting because this tribe is actually a menace to all of the other tribes in the area by doing such things as taking slaves. That means Tarzan will have to destroy it. How’s he going to do that?
Where do these white-skinned Queens come from since the’re always surrounded by black-skinned men? Perhaps a pirated Carnival Cruise ship kidnapped shore excursion, or a rebel downed airplane survivor. or some bored Nairobi/Cape Town housewives taken from the local shopping malls…………. Oh yeah, or the offspring of some white gorillas! Umgowa!!
Gent almost 5 years ago
Poor queen. She was hoping for some quality time with Tarzan. But thanks to the treacherous traitor Remu, she’s got to deal with him first.
BigDaveGlass almost 5 years ago
She’s a bit Leera of him…
Polsixe almost 5 years ago
Those ant folk make sure their Queens have the finest lingerie. Priorities.
tripwire45 almost 5 years ago
The Queen should just have her guards take Remu out, then sacrifice the other blond to their ant gods. That’s usually how it goes, isn’t it? Oh yes, and the blonds fall in love with Tarzan.
Galimatias almost 5 years ago
The queens of all the hidden miscreant tribes are always blond.
Thorby almost 5 years ago
Game of cat-&-mouse…. or Game of Thrones?
Old Comic Strip Lover almost 5 years ago
Which blonde will end up as Queen of the Hill? Actually this is interesting because this tribe is actually a menace to all of the other tribes in the area by doing such things as taking slaves. That means Tarzan will have to destroy it. How’s he going to do that?
J Short almost 5 years ago
A report on all captives; especially blond ones.
profkatz almost 5 years ago
Where do these white-skinned Queens come from since the’re always surrounded by black-skinned men? Perhaps a pirated Carnival Cruise ship kidnapped shore excursion, or a rebel downed airplane survivor. or some bored Nairobi/Cape Town housewives taken from the local shopping malls…………. Oh yeah, or the offspring of some white gorillas! Umgowa!!