The Big Picture by Lennie Peterson for March 14, 2020

  1. Coyote
    eromlig  about 5 years ago

    Einstein was born on Pi Day?? THAT explains a lot…

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  2. Kat 1
    katina.cooper  about 5 years ago

    Ginger wants the priest to pet her and then give her some of the fortune that he has collected over the years.

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    dlkrueger33  about 5 years ago

    Ginger is missing from the priest’s book in the last panel.

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  4. Chai
    Perkycat  about 5 years ago

    The priest looks bored. Wonder what he is reading. Hmmm

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  5. Theresafichtner
    Theresa Fichtner Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I had a few favorite comics in my GoComics feed but felt I might be missing out on some of the talent out there. A few months ago I added everything that started with an A. By months end I deleted the ones that didn’t do anything for me. Then I added everything that started with the letter B. On the first day…O…M…G…! The Big Picture! How was this comic missing from my life! It has everything I need: wit, sarcasm, laugh-out-loud funny…thoughtfulness (when necessary)…and a cat! I MUST go back and read them all! So I started at the beginning and each night I read a months worth. I’m up to May 2003. Sometimes I feel the urge to just binge through them all in a weekend but I’m restraining myself. I love my “Lennie & Ginger” time each night.

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  6. Missing large
    jathbo  almost 5 years ago

    Homeslice is an absolute cutie! Go look at his Instagram page!

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