Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for April 02, 2020

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 5 years ago

    good ol’ honesty

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    jmworacle  almost 5 years ago

    The truth will set you free. Free from having a job that is.

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    Grumpy Old Guy  almost 5 years ago

    Sometimes, the squeaky wheel gets replaced….

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    PaulLeckner  almost 5 years ago

    He came up with a great way to streamline production. 3 jobs were eliminated. Including his own.

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    Michael G.  almost 5 years ago

    And El Jefe smiles, seeing that his leadership skills have been affirmed. :-o

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    dakyorlando  almost 5 years ago

    Fair point, to be honest.

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    Bruce1253  almost 5 years ago

    Bye, Bye Baldo.

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    j.l.farmer  almost 5 years ago

    and i still do!

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    captastro  almost 5 years ago

    That boy will go far in politics.

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    Sassy's Mom  almost 5 years ago

    You never tell the boss he (or she) Is doing it wrong. You say you have an idea on how to do it better!

    And then a coworker who has been with the company for a long time will say, “We tried it before. It didn’t work.”

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    bigal666  almost 5 years ago

    I came up with a new process at work and showed the owner what I had come up with, fully expecting to be lectured about not doing my job and fooling around. Much to my amazement, my work station was soon swarming with engineers asking questions. I got a week’s bonus pay. My fellow workers were astounded. That had never happened before.

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    whenlifewassimpler  almost 5 years ago

    I was on a temp job and asked why they didn’t do the jobs this way and then outlined it for her and got a big Thank you and a bonus when I was done. Then a couple weeks later a call to come work for them permanently in Special Accounts (got to type up Michael Jackson’s and lots of stars paperwork).

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    whenlifewassimpler  almost 5 years ago

    Or and the typing was on a computer and I also told them of a better set up for the accounts.

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    alexius23  almost 5 years ago

    Will a raise be offered? Promotion?

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  15. Toughcat
    bakana  almost 5 years ago

    Baldo’s Honesty is going to help him Keep that job.

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