I see someone mentioned a chicken. Earlier today a hen (chicken) was scratching, dusting, etc at my place. I had the gall to tell her to go home before I let the dogs out for their business. She hopped up on my car and started telling me what for. After she saw them coming out she went home and raised sand with the rooster who raised cane. After less than a minute all of them were up in arms. I began to wonder whether all the fowl were coming in force with beaks and spurs. They wouldn’t need a bat.
KA7DRE Premium Member almost 5 years ago
So that’s where that came from . . . I would have never guessed.
danketaz Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Well that stinks.
Zebrastripes almost 5 years ago
Ewww! It’s a miss…..what is this anyways?
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Uhhhhhh, that’s NOT a “ball!”
Michael G. almost 5 years ago
Horses haven’t evolved yet, eh?
losflemings almost 5 years ago
Pine tar does that
demnuts1 almost 5 years ago
or dino dung
Troglodyte almost 5 years ago
Should play “pong” with it instead!
colcam almost 5 years ago
And tomorrow they try using a ball made from a chicken— and keep hitting FOWL balls.
craigwestlake almost 5 years ago
Could be worse; they could just realize they’re playing in the cow pasture…
heathcliff2 almost 5 years ago
I see someone mentioned a chicken. Earlier today a hen (chicken) was scratching, dusting, etc at my place. I had the gall to tell her to go home before I let the dogs out for their business. She hopped up on my car and started telling me what for. After she saw them coming out she went home and raised sand with the rooster who raised cane. After less than a minute all of them were up in arms. I began to wonder whether all the fowl were coming in force with beaks and spurs. They wouldn’t need a bat.