Peanuts by Charles Schulz for January 19, 1958
"You know what?" Charlie Brown asks as she walks towards Linus, reading a paper. "What?" Linus is on the floor, doing push-ups.<br> <br> "Ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four.." Linus counts. Charlie Brown stands behind him and reads.<br> <br> "It says here that the youth of today is badly out of condition.." CHarlie Brown reads. "NINETY-FIVE!" Linus announces.<br> <br> "...Ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine.." Linus chants.<br> <br> "ONE HUNDRED!" Linus throws up one arm and balances on the other. Charlie Brown holds the paper at his side.<br> <br> "One hundred an' one, one hundred an' two, one hundred an' three, one hundred an' four, one hundred an' five.." Linus does one armed push-ups speedily.<br> <br> "First with the left and then with the hundred an' six, one hiundred an' seven, one hundred an' eight.."<br> <br> "I don't know about youth, but we little kids are in great shape!" Linus declares, as he stands and flexes his muscles.<br> <br>
Meowmocha over 9 years ago
You;e talking to the kid who could stack blocks into complicated and sometimes impossible forms, could blow up square balloons…
yow4zip Premium Member about 7 years ago
Wow…just wow.
joeynails01 over 4 years ago
why does linus even fear lucy at this point.
Foxtrot snowday ('Sup Roblox peeps) over 3 years ago
Linus is OP in Charlie Brown
kcj about 2 years ago
Perhaps physically he is in great shape, but mentally? All that blanket business…