The sooner this is dealt with, the better. If not for Delray’s sake, then at the very least for Kenny’s well-being. He doesn’t need to be exposed to more tension.
You can tell this was done several weeks ago. There is no way that Marcie would be practicing her golf swing now. She’s to dedicated a nurse not to be on the front lines like the other heroes who work in our hospitals
Rhetorical_Question almost 5 years ago
First lie in a marriage is a killer unless Dana also has lied.
Rhetorical_Question almost 5 years ago
Dana might already know that Delray lied.
GirlGeek Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Just like in that movie Do the Right Thing
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 5 years ago
See? I told you lying hurts.
jpayne4040 almost 5 years ago
Confess and get it over with. The longer you wait the less effective the apology.
jagedlo almost 5 years ago
It looks like Marcie’s golf game has improved, nobody had to duck for cover!
Michael G. almost 5 years ago
Remember when you could read this strip without a team roster?
Ellis97 almost 5 years ago
She’s much smarter than you think, Delray.
JENGHIS almost 5 years ago
Course, I wonder when someone is going to but one and one together and realize Delray is the dad?!?!?
Dragoncat almost 5 years ago
The sooner this is dealt with, the better. If not for Delray’s sake, then at the very least for Kenny’s well-being. He doesn’t need to be exposed to more tension.
locake almost 5 years ago
There is still no explanation about WHY he lied about knowing Lynn. There was no reason for him to lie.
cpb124 almost 5 years ago
You can tell this was done several weeks ago. There is no way that Marcie would be practicing her golf swing now. She’s to dedicated a nurse not to be on the front lines like the other heroes who work in our hospitals
[Unnamed Reader - 50fc97] almost 5 years ago
It is getting confusing about who is related to who.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 5 years ago
I shall miss him after she kills him.
(Just joking, she will probably let him live. She has a few minor faults but none quite that bad.)
Robert Braddock Premium Member almost 5 years ago
We must classify Jump Start as an Essential Business.
LiamMusser about 4 years ago
Ooooohhhhhhhh……. I agree with Marcy, Delray’s a goner to have lied to a member of the WORTHINGTON FAMILY!!!!!
Walter the dog 6 months ago
Man how many plot twists are in these strips (I like it!)