Peanuts by Charles Schulz for July 17, 1960
"Charlie Brown is standing on the lawn with a questioning look, as Linus walks past him carrying his blanket full of his belonging tied to a stick. <br> <br> Charlie Brown is just standing there watching Linus. <br> <br> Charlie Brown now runs after Linus calling, “Linus! Don’t tell me you’re running away from home?” Linus keeps walking along. <br> <br> Charlie Brown steps in front of Linus, Throws his hands up in the air and says: “YOU”RE CRAZY!! They KNOW you’re bluffing! You’ll just make a FOOL out of yourself!” <br> <br> Linus turns away from Charlie Brown and puts his hand up to his chin thinking. Charlie Brown go on saying: “you’ll have to go back home this evening, and then you’ll have to listen to your mother and dad tell everyone about how you tried to run away, and you were so cute and so serious and they’ll all laugh!” <br> <br> Linus turns and faces Charlie Brown who is still talking: “It just doesn’t do any GOOD! They’re way ahead of you!” <br> <br> Linus holds his stick up in front of his face thinking. <br> <br> Linus lowers his stick and says to Charlie Brown: “ In other words you can’t fight city hall!” Charlie Brown replies: “That’s right!” <br> <br> Linus brings his stick back up in front of him thinking again, as Charlie Brown tells him: “Now, go on home, and forget the whole thing..” <br> <br> Linus is now knelling on the ground untying his blanket full of his stuff from the stick. <br> <br> Linus stands and dumps his belongs from the blanket on to the ground. <br> <br> Linus says: WHEW I was scared to death someone wasn’t going to come along and talk me out of it!” as he sits on the ground surrounded by his belongings, holding his blanket up to his cheek and sucking his thumb. <br> <br> " dialogue-text,"Charlie Brown is standing on the lawn with a questioning look, as Linus walks past him carrying his blanket full of his belonging tied to a stick. <br> <br> Charlie Brown is just standing there watching Linus. <br> <br> Charlie Brown now runs after Linus calling, “Linus! Don’t tell me you’re running away from home?” Linus keeps walking along. <br> <br> Charlie Brown steps in front of Linus, Throws his hands up in the air and says: “YOU”RE CRAZY!! They KNOW you’re bluffing! You’ll just make a FOOL out of yourself!” <br> <br> Linus turns away from Charlie Brown and puts his hand up to his chin thinking. Charlie Brown go on saying: “you’ll have to go back home this evening, and then you’ll have to listen to your mother and dad tell everyone about how you tried to run away, and you were so cute and so serious and they’ll all laugh!” <br> <br> Linus turns and faces Charlie Brown who is still talking: “It just doesn’t do any GOOD! They’re way ahead of you!” <br> <br> Linus holds his stick up in front of his face thinking. <br> <br> Linus lowers his stick and says to Charlie Brown: “ In other words you can’t fight city hall!” Charlie Brown replies: “That’s right!” <br> <br> Linus brings his stick back up in front of him thinking again, as Charlie Brown tells him: “Now, go on home, and forget the whole thing..” <br> <br> Linus is now knelling on the ground untying his blanket full of his stuff from the stick. <br> <br> Linus stands and dumps his belongs from the blanket on to the ground. <br> <br> Linus says: WHEW I was scared to death someone wasn’t going to come along and talk me out of it!” as he sits on the ground surrounded by his belongings, holding his blanket up to his cheek and sucking his thumb. <br> <br> "
gamer2k4 over 11 years ago
I love that he’s still carrying the bindle the wrong way.
Emzuar88 almost 11 years ago
He was walking for a whole week?
NewOrleansSaints over 7 years ago
He brought a whole jar of Peanut Butter?!
ootey over 7 years ago
How tentatively we have trod paths unfit to complete.
yow4zip Premium Member over 4 years ago
You’re a hero, Charlie Brown.
kcj almost 2 years ago
Yay, picnic time! But Linus should have invited CB too.