Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 15, 1961

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    youmegoing  about 11 years ago

    you know, 10 dollars was a lot for a kid to get in those times!! To kids, getting 10 dollars for allowance = nowadays, kids getting 100 dollars for allowance!!!!

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    MrJamie1062  over 8 years ago

    A most unlucky side effect of being bald,much less “piebald”(completely bald),such a head is an easy target for being drawn on. Another fine example is in the Halloween special,“It’s the great pumpkin,CB,”at Violet’s party, where she and Lucy use CB for a jack o’lantern model, just so they can draw on his head.

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    MrJamie1062  over 8 years ago

    In reference to Panel 6-So, does that mean this Peanuts strip was supposed to take place in Texas? Like several other Peanuts fans, I,too, have always wondered where they were supposed to take place. However, it seems St.Paul,Minnesota, would be a great possibility, since,first, that’s where Schulz grew up, and second, like Minnesota’s winters, it snows a lot in the winter in Peanuts.

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    Stormwyrm  over 7 years ago

    Correcting for inflation, $10 in 1961 is almost $82 in 2017 dollars!

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    ootey  over 7 years ago

    I never liked them drawing on Charlie Brown’s head.

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    M.D. Walters  almost 4 years ago

    Great deal!

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    yow4zip Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Interesting tattoo.

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    Shikamoo Premium Member 8 months ago

    I guess he really is bald, wiyh a bit of hair in front. Only in a cartoon is this possible for a child.

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