Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for April 10, 2020

  1. C9969abe b10d 49de b382 ab1511eff385
    amethyst52 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Smitten kittens flittin’.

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  2. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  almost 5 years ago

    Friday Felines!

























    Bonus Friday Bunnies!!












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  3. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  almost 5 years ago

    “I’m yours”


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    laughingkitty  almost 5 years ago

    Now the boys are floating on the air. The Love Bug has bitten them hard.

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    laughingkitty  almost 5 years ago

    It was such nice weather on Tuesday and then on Thursday, as I started for work, it was SNOWING! Here’s video of part of my drive, taken from my dash cam. This is a couple miles from my house and going past the middle school/high school (you’ll see the flashing yellow lights as I approach the school).


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  6. 009f1012 b5de 47ef baf3 1391e636c114
    LastRoseOfSummer 1  almost 5 years ago

    Going on month two and aside from my morning walk ( masked of course) I’ve been inside.

    I’m about ready to strangle my kids, except I need SIL to explain how stuff works. The legacy of having a husband who did everything. My tongue hurts from biting it. LOL

    And frosting on the cake… the washing machine went haywire. If you choose warm water it spews it all over the floors and sounds like a cement mixer. I have a new set coming next Wednesday for a no contact ( by me) delivery and installation. The door to the laundry room is off the garage and the one to the kitchen will remain shut. Sigh

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  7. 009f1012 b5de 47ef baf3 1391e636c114
    LastRoseOfSummer 1  almost 5 years ago

    I can’t wait to see the other guy’s reaction to Mme. Mimi! There’s gonna be a lot of floating kitties!

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  8. 20230319 170055
    laughingkitty  almost 5 years ago

    Today is:

    Good Friday

    National Siblings Day

    National Cinnamon Crescent Day

    National Farm Animals Day

    National Encourage a Young Writer Day

    And it’s 2 things at my job – it’s “treat day” *we get treats one day a week for working during the corona crisis. The first week it was ice cream bars, the 2nd week it was snack cakes (like ding dongs & Hostess cupcakes). This week, we’re getting granola bars and Pop Tarts. They’re limited on what they can give us because things have to be wrapped, so they can’t give us cake or donuts or even fruit.

    The other thing is it’s the first day of having our temperatures checked with an infra-red thermometer as soon as we get to work (before we clock in). We are instructed not to go in the main entrance door – instead, we have to go in a fire door at the back of the store. They’ll have to prop the door open so we can get in. They’ll also ask us questions like do we feel sick and have we been out of the country or have we been exposed to anyone who is known to have the virus. If our temperature is 100° or more or we answer “yes” to any of the questions, we’re sent home right back out that back door. We will be paid for the day but we have to stay away the next 2 days as well, with no pay for those 2 days. Because of the time it will take for the temperature check & stuff, Walmart will automatically pay us for an extra 5 minutes each day, even if it takes less than 5 minutes to do the temperature check & the questions. I think it will usually take a lot less than 5 minutes unless there’s a line of people just starting their shift – like the ones who start at 4 a.m. and the ones who start at 7 a.m. I don’t anticipate a line when I start at 2 p.m.

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  9. 250
    ladykat Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Ooohhh – flying cats (shades of Rocannon’s World, although those cats were much, much bigger!!)

    It’s snowing here today, which is thoroughly depressing.

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  10. Picture
    jessegooddog  almost 5 years ago

    I love the flying kitties.

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  11. 072fb87b 7b93 4988 887f 25775e1e4d74
    Popcorn   almost 5 years ago

    Oh please G.H., let the new kitty stay…after 10 who’s counting anyway!

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  12. Booboo
    bbear  almost 5 years ago

    BBEAR’s Friday posts:

    1. Quarantine week 14 an boredom has set in._


    2. This member of th family is very happy that I am working from home now.


    3. A catitude post: “Hard to get along with? Moi?”


    4. If you own a dog, you KNOW that these can be dangerous.


    5. When you’re trying to work from home on the couch, but your cat has other plans…


    6. I think she’s happier to have me home than my pup is.


    7. Problems working at home: losing the will to work (and it’s only 10:00).


    8. Problems working at home: “boss, I will be a little bit late…”


    9. This kitty thinks that he got into some “killer ’nip”.


    10. “Alright kitty, what’s your excuse this time?”




    12. A message from the IT department.


    13. What has my cat been up to while he was gone?


    14. Ever get that feeling that you are being watched?


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  13. Chai
    Perkycat  almost 5 years ago

    Wait until the fighting over little Mimieux starts.

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  14.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  almost 5 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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  15.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  almost 5 years ago

    Well, they do say love (and spicy food) makes you do strange things. On another note, saw a nuthatch and a junco while out walking today. It was bright and sunny where I live. It was in the 60s, but it felt more like it was in the 70s.

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