Corporate departments have to pay each other (and charge each other) for transfers so the bosses can figure out who’s responsible for profit or loss. And that’s more or less a good thing. Acting that way in a personal relationship, though, is almost always† a mistake
† I’ve imagined two non-empathetic people who manage to form a partnership on that basis. But it wouldn’t work for normal people… and it does have quite a bit of extra overhead.
Concretionist almost 5 years ago
Corporate departments have to pay each other (and charge each other) for transfers so the bosses can figure out who’s responsible for profit or loss. And that’s more or less a good thing. Acting that way in a personal relationship, though, is almost always† a mistake
† I’ve imagined two non-empathetic people who manage to form a partnership on that basis. But it wouldn’t work for normal people… and it does have quite a bit of extra overhead.
Jelliqal almost 5 years ago
Sounds like something my husband would have said 20 years ago. LOL
33Angel almost 5 years ago
You silver tongued devil, you!
gopher gofer almost 5 years ago
the word is ‘obliged’…