Bad Machinery by John Allison for January 20, 2022

  1. Selkiedad
    John Campbell  about 3 years ago

    What intrigues me about this page is that Alien Dad doesn’t say, “that cranny,” as I’d refer to a random cranny that someone had crawled into, but “your cranny”. Is Lem’s cranny where he lives when he’s not being coddled because he recently got killed?

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    Aladar30 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Lem was just killed in that school. I think it’s normal for him refuse to going back in it. But Shauna’s reaction would be priceless!

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    posse1 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I would’ve climbed into a nook, myself.

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    gigagrouch  about 3 years ago

    i’ve always wondered about Lem’s nose.

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    scyphi26  about 3 years ago

    Y’know, when these two started this crazy plan of theirs, I’m pretty sure they did it without realizing just how many common parenting woes that would put upon them in the process.

    …which sort of shows how and why what ultimately DOES happen in the end happens at all…but that’s spoilers.

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