Bad Machinery by John Allison for November 12, 2024

  1. Selkiedad
    John Campbell  3 months ago

    The “Death to the Monkey Mayor” headline on the framed issue of the Cormorant may be a reference to Tackleford’s penultimate mayor, Dai Davies, who assumed the office after defeating the incumbent, Tim Jones, in a mad science duel, which he won by creating a formula that turned him into an enormous ape-man.

    Dai was in turn removed from office after regressing to atavism, and, due to a quirk in Tackleford’s bylaws, Tim’s predecessor, James Mayor, resumed the office. Mayor Mayor was himself removed from office after completely losing his mind at the Tackleford fair and teaming up with an extremely drunk Mike Savage and a high-on-jam Shelley Winters to rescue Amy from a yokel riding a giant bee, which Mike defeated by being stung through the chest, which he survived only because he was so drunk that biology assumed that he was already dead. After that, Tackleford was barred from having any more mayors.

    Erin ended up accidentally drinking a dose of Dai Davies’ formula that Shelley had stolen, which turned her into an enormous glamorous Amazon. She did not regress to atavism, but her new appearance did draw the attention of the 200-year-old occultist who was serving as headmaster of Griswald’s, which led directly to her marriage, exile to Hell, and widowing, in rapid succession.

    Or maybe Tackleford had an actual monkey for a mayor at some point. NFT.

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    scyphi26  3 months ago

    You can run from the news…but you can’t hide from the news.

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  3. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  3 months ago

    Another lead for Lottie. Can she overcome his lead?

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