The Notorious " Buzzer Gang" ! Noted to be a Real Blood Thirsty bunch. :-) You were lucky Harley,hope there were No Witneses,they are noted for Jumping you when you are out Cruising the back country roads, usually going for your face and arms. Revenge could be Very Irritating. :-}
Quantum Leaper almost 5 years ago
I guess he not at good at Mickey, who did 7 in One Blow.
Dkram almost 5 years ago
Deer Fly are obnoxious.
chris_o42 almost 5 years ago
Harley you’re just sooo fierce!
Gent almost 5 years ago
Ah, a rare talking cat!
Alberta Oil almost 5 years ago
Lucky there were only 3.. one more and Harley would have been had.
Space & Kitten almost 5 years ago
The Notorious " Buzzer Gang" ! Noted to be a Real Blood Thirsty bunch. :-) You were lucky Harley,hope there were No Witneses,they are noted for Jumping you when you are out Cruising the back country roads, usually going for your face and arms. Revenge could be Very Irritating. :-}
tad1 almost 5 years ago
Mosquitoes are a real pain!