Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs for May 25, 2020

  1. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  almost 5 years ago

    “Fear not, city people”, says Tarzan, “We’re going to trap both the ghost and the escaped convicted murderer. And all we need to trap them is a couple of pits. Now, men, pick up those shovels and get to work!”

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  2. 2020 tan line cartoon 6chix
    RussellRogerBe1  almost 5 years ago

    fire ants in your pants will keep you jumping alrighty, Frank!

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  3. Snake on a hat 2003
    BigDaveGlass  almost 5 years ago

    “Jumping Jack Flash” seems appropriate somehow….

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    Polsixe  almost 5 years ago

    They have to decide on camp language. English Mon-Wed-Fri and French Tue-Thur-Sat. Sunday they sit in their own corners.

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    Old Comic Strip Lover  almost 5 years ago

    These two policemen don’t seem to mind that a short while ago, Tarzan bashed their heads together.

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  6. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 5 years ago

    Frank: We found one of those inflatable bouncy castles.

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    profkatz  almost 5 years ago

    Garvey’s group must have found those delicious hidden Bolgani sandwiches and are in the midst of a picnic. That will surely have French fat-boy murderer Jacques Durand’s attention…..oink, oink!

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  8. Udog 1
    ScottHolman  almost 5 years ago

    C’mon guys, we’re having a “how high can you jump” contest. It’s loads of fun!

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